your workforce sidekick
Grow your startup with highly vetted freelancers & AI tools, all managed by us
I need help with...
We'll email you shortly with 2-3 options. If any of them look good to you, we'll help get everything set up. Submit Another
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powered by fractional workers from world class teams
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Step 1
tell us what you're looking for help with today
"We need help cold calling"
"We need a logo designed"
"I need help finding investors"
"How do I make a roadmap?"
"I need to hire an engineer"
Step 2
we'll translate your needs into practical projects
Jon B can do 800 LinkedIn reach outs to book you demos
QuickerAI optimizes your script
Our fractional CMOs can review your GTM strategy
Step 3
we'll make the connections and oversee the work
We prepare a project plan with scope, cost, and timelines
We help you sign up, set up, and implement AI tooling
We pre-negotiate exclusive pricing for Visorboard users

“this is a revolution in how startups are going to operate”

Jeff K, Founder

"Visorboard helped us get to $7M in revenue with just one hire."

Kevin J, CEO

it's free, you only pay for the services you use...

... just tell us what you need help with today to get started

Resources & AI
visorboard Works for founders & employees
From startup to scaleup, we're by your side.

how founders
use visorboard

visorboard gives founders access to everyone they need to grow their business.
Ongoing live & virtual discussions with advisors to chart your path

We're in the trenches with you. Founders are given unlimited access to their advisory board, for both live and asynchronous discussions.

Freelancers to build your brand, website, and anything else

Advisors play a hands-on role in sourcing & managing freelance projects for the startup; whether one-off projects or ongoing freelance partnerships (eg. offshore eng team).

Curated founder resource package with templates, guides, and more

The visorboard team curates relevant templates, guides, and other materials that can help founders more effectively run their company.

Give it a try, we guarantee it'll blow your mind.
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how employees use visorboard

our advisors and freelancers helps junior employees perform like veterans, so founders can take a step back and spend less on hiring.
Ongoing live & virtual discussions with advisors to guide your work

Employees have up to 2 weekly calls and unlimited virtual access to advisors.

Hands-on coaching from advisors

Employees get a 'primary advisor' who serves as their coach - focused on their performance for the company as well as their broader career goals.

Freelancers to move projects along quickly

Employees have access to our network of vetted freelancers. Advisors play a hands-on role in managing freelancer projects for employees.

Custom templates and guides

Advisors are constantly sharing templates, guides, and other materials that can help employees perform at a higher level.

Your employees can start using visorboard for free!
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Want a dedicated fractional exec and team?

Want a dedicated exec & team? Try Visorboard Pro

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